Wednesday, 30 April 2014

There's a message in the dhishum dhishum!

Just saw #revolverrani. Ahh wonderful movie. Authenticity at its best. Did not go with any background knowledge..what it's about etc.. so zero expectations.. in such situations I mostly enjoy movies. And anyway I really don't get it why people get so agitated about how a movie is and start judging other people for liking or disliking a particular movie. 'Omg she likes that movie?' 'Now she's an outcast' and the likes.
Ok hear up you. My opinion...whether I love it or's none of your business! And if you care so should fund my movies and I'll think about your request to agree with you!


Back to where I was. I thoroughly loved the performance by Kangana  Ranaut...she's completely on a roll! Vir Das as well has done a superb job- quite central to the plot. No spoilers here. All I can say is I absolutely loved the style of spoken Hindi typical of that part of Madhya Pradesh.. the humour was just amazing. Overall the treatment of the movie was fantastic and kept me engaged throughout.

What I Realised: 
The best part: Role reversal between Kangana and Vir- in a typical gangster movie.. (or generally in society)- the woman is used shuttled around and kept captive to the male- but here in this movie.. the way Kangana rules over Vir Das- it's just hilarious to watch. Seeing her in power and bossing him around - not a typical Hindi movie or not what many men would like to see even.. but that's what's always done to women and no one has a problem with that. He has to do all her bidding and the only reason is he needs money from her to fulfill his Bollywood dreams so he takes it all. There's a lot he 

Main point: money is power. And as long as all women are not financially independent.. some of them will continue to live the life because they depend on their husband/father/brother for the money to run their lives and hence agree to whatever shitty terms are set around them. This movie exemplifies that - in a reversal of roles- so I am not advocating pick a gun and become empowered-all I am saying is that with financial independence comes power- doesn't matter if you're male or female. 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Sight & Touch: Mundane or Intense?

We use them all the time. Involuntarily, necessarily, obviously. And with everyone.

I'm talking about eyes and hands.

We see so many things, people- everything! A passing glance, a random meeting of eyes, we notice and move on. We use our hands most commonly for anything we have to do. But has one ever wondered that just one glance or just one brush with someone can become special based on the person one is interacting with?

When you look into the eyes of the person who's special to you, it changes the world around you. It has been said often, it has been portrayed in cinema often that people can talk with their eyes. But when with just that one look, you feel something- you know it's true! Why we avoid eye contact at times? Do we fear that since our eyes can say so much we might just reveal what we are actually thinking?

Hands. When do we not use them? Always upto something, they are! But when the same hands come in contact with people dear to us- there's an electric current all right! It can indicate to you-how you really feel and can even signal to the other person. Do we still need words? Why do we not realise the significance of these things?

Feel. What a word. With too many definitions. What and how do you feel? Is it a function of the heart? or is everything a part of what you are feeling?